

美国政府积极监管, 在某些情况下, 限制某些项目和信息的导出, including technologies that it deems critical to the interests of national security, 经济, 外交政策方面. newbb电子平台致力于遵守适用的美国法律.S. 有关物品出口的法律法规, 由大学或代表大学提供服务和技术.

所有newbb电子平台人员, 包括教职员工, 来访的科学家, 博士后研究人员, 学生及教职员, 受雇于, or affiliated with Ohio 大学 must comply with the export control policy and the related export compliance manual. Export control regulations apply regardless of the source of funding, both external and internal.

Non compliance with export requirements are serious for both the University and the researcher. 处罚包括巨额罚款和监禁. 

A draft 出口合规 policy is being readied for submission to the University. 


研究 in Export Restricted Science and Engineering Areas - Some Examples:

  • 军事或国防物品和服务
  • 高性能计算
  • Dual Use Technologies (technologies with both a military and commercial application)
  • 加密技术
  • 导弹 & 导弹技术
  • 化学/生物武器
  • 核技术
  • 选择代理 & 毒素(见选择药剂/毒素列表)
  • 空间技术 & 卫星
  • 医学激光

Contractual Restrictions on Publication or Dissemination or Inclusion of Export-Controlled-Technology or Information:

  • The vast majority of research done at the 大学 is shielded from export controls under the Fundamental 研究 Exclusion. This exclusion is lost whenever the 大学 or the researcher agrees to allow any restrictions on the publication, 传播, 或者外国公民进入研究.
  • University activities involving the use of export controlled information, 项目, or technology obtained from outside the 大学 are subject to all export controls for those 项目, 无论研究活动的性质如何.  这适用于从美国获得的软件工具.S. 政府机构标记为“美国.S. “仅发布”或类似的标识. 


  • 带着高科技设备出国旅行, 保密, 未发表的, or proprietary information or data - Traveling with certain types of high-tech equipment including but not limited to advanced GPS units, 科学设备, 或者控制, proprietary or 未发表的 data in any format may require an export license depending on your travel destination. 
  • 随身携带笔记本电脑旅行, 能上网的手机, 和其他个人设备-笔记本电脑, 能上网的手机 and other electronics containing encryption hardware or software and/or proprietary software may require an export license when traveling to certain destinations. In general, an export license will be required to take any 项目 to or through any U.S. 受制裁国家(e).g.伊朗、叙利亚、古巴、苏丹和朝鲜).


  • 运送或携带物品到海外.
  • University activities that involve the international payment of funds to non-U.S. persons abroad must be verified to ensure that the 大学 is not inadvertently providing financial assistance to a blocked or sanctioned entity. 例如,通过分包给非美国公司提供支持.S. 大学 or providing payments to research subjects in other countries.
  • 有外籍教师参与的大学活动, 学生, 访问外国科学家或合作者的工作人员, 或其他外国实体(如.g.,班.S. 公司, 大学, or other organization) or research that will include travel to international conferences to present 未发表的 results may be subject to export controls especially if any of the foreign nationals are from embargoed or sanctioned countries.
  • 研究 projects where any part of the research will take place outside the U.S. (e.g.在美国以外的地区进行实地工作.S.) may not qualify under the Fundamental 研究 Exclusion and may be subject to export controls.


newbb电子平台 has established an 出口合规委员会 to assist with program development, 手动创建和更新, 培训发展, 和出口合规性审查和记录保存在eRA系统.


  • 朱莉·艾利森,财务助理副总裁
  • Timothy Cyders,机械工程副教授
  • David Koonce, Interim Vice President for 研究 and Creative Activity
  • Adam Loukx,法律事务办公室高级副总法律顾问
  • 劳拉·迈尔斯,大学内部审计合规部主任
  • 艾丽西娅·波特,信息安全经理 & 可访问性
  • Susan Robb, Assistant Vice President for 研究和赞助项目
  • Kyle Sargent, Sponsored Programs Manager, Office of 研究和赞助项目
  • Korie Sell, Technology Commercialization Manager, Technology Transfer Office
  • 希拉里·斯奈德,合规研究主管





术语定义 (在新窗口中打开)




Individuals seeking training in export control regulations as they relate to 大学 research may complete the 合作院校培训计划(CITI) 网络课程:美国出口管制条例. The course contains modules providing a basic overview of export controls. Also provided is information specific to the various federal agencies that oversee export controls including the State Department’s International Traffic in Arms 规定 (ITAR), the Commerce Department’s 《newbb电子》 and the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

The CITI course can be used to fulfill the export control training requirement for 大学 staff, 可能需要的学生和/或员工.

工业和安全局 (BIS)在美国境内.S. 商务部 Is charged with the development, implementation and interpretation of U.S. export control policy for dual-use commodities, software, and technology as found in the 《newbb电子》 (15 CFR零件730-774),如所列 商业管制清单(CCL).  BIS提供基于网络的出口管制培训.


参考OIT安全 按类型存储数据 有关如何存储导出控制数据的信息.

U.S. 出口管制法律法规


ITAR (International Traffic in Arms 规定):  规定 governing the exports and re-exports of 项目 and services for military use, 包括国防文章, 包括技术资料, 国防技术, 国防服务. 这些条例受美国联邦调查局管辖.S. 国防部.  (22 CFR part 120-130).  

EAR (Export Administration 规定):  规定 governing the export, including deemed export and re-export of dual use commercial 项目 and technologies and other commercial 项目 and technologies without an obvious military use.  本条例由 美国工业和安全局.S. 商务部.  (15 CFR Parts 730-774). 

OFAC (The Office of Foreign Assets Control):  The federal government office responsible for administering and enforcing foreign asset control regulations.  This includes economic and trade sanctions based on federal foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries, 恐怖分子, 国际毒枭, and those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.  The regulations administered by OFAC include controls with regard to specific individuals, 特定的组织, 还有一些国家. OFAC隶属于美国财政部.S. 财政部. (31 CFR part 500-598).

For assistance with Export Control issues contact the ORSP服务中心 at exportcompliance@俄亥俄州.edu