


教科书系统的开发使newbb电子平台符合高等教育机会法案(HEOA)。. 的 HEOA (H.R. 4137秒. 133) (PDF, 50 kb) 要求接受联邦资助的大学在学生注册课程之前以大致的价格向学生提供教科书和材料.



Do all instructors have access to do this?

All faculty members/instructors have access to view the information submitted for his/her class sections. 每个系/学校都可以选择允许教师和讲师更新他们所教的课程的教科书和材料. 请与您的系主任/学校主任联系,了解您是否可以在线更新您的教科书和材料,或者您是否应该将信息提供给部门工作人员.

How does Textbook interact with the bookstores?

提交到网上教材系统的信息将自动提供给雅典当地的三家书店(学院书店), 福利特的, 和小教授), as well as to bookstores at the regional campuses. 将提供一个初始文件, and then periodic updates will automatically be sent to the bookstores.

What if there are no books, materials, or notes for a class?

If there are no books, materials, or notes entered for a class section then the 课程 system will automatically display "To Be Determined." If there are no textbooks or materials required for a class section please enter a note (i.e., 不需要购买教科书或材料),以便“待定”不会显示在课程设置中.

When are entries due in the Textbook Application?

在理想的情况下, all textbooks and materials are entered before the start of priority registration for the term (Fall - March 15; Spring - October 15; Summer - February 15). We understand that this might not be possible for all classes. 请与你的系主任/学校主任/地区校区院长合作,遵守部门/学校/地区校区提供的截止日期.

If the bookstores have questions, whom do they contact?


What if I miss the deadline for adding material? 什么时候上锁?

本系统将继续提供输入或更新教材及资料的服务,直至新学期开始. 请理解,我们越接近这个术语,书店提供给学生的教科书和材料就越具有挑战性. 也, 为了遵守高等教育机会法,我们需要尽最大努力在学期优先注册之前输入教科书和材料信息.

How can I tell if materials for a class have been recently changed?


我是(插入角色). 我看到了什么??
  • 教员:你可以在学生信息系统中看到你被正式指定为教员的所有课程.
  • Department Chair/School Director: You see and can edit all class sections for your department/school.
  • 部门/学校工作人员:如果你的系主任/主任已经告诉注册办公室允许你访问,那么你就可以查看和编辑你所在部门/学校的所有课堂部分.
  • Regional campus user: You see and can edit all class sections for your campus.


价格呢?? 谁决定他们? 如果他们错了怎么办?

《newbb电子》要求在注册课程之前向学生提供一个大致的价格. It is an approximate price and we provide this 免责声明 课程设置. 输入教科书和资料信息的人需要输入一个大致的价格. 当教材信息提供给教师时,出版商应该向教师提供一个价格. Remember the price is approximate and is used to help students plan. You may obtain the price in whatever manner you choose, i.e. call a bookstore, search online, obtain from the publisher, etc.

What does the search for an ISBN return?

对ISBN特征的搜索从开放图书馆数据库或从该软件输入的ISBN正在构建的数据库中获取信息. 它可能返回作者。, title, 版, 版权日期, but it depends on what has been entered in the Open 图书馆 database/newbb电子平台 database.

How do I handle dual-listed or multi-campus classes?

教科书系统允许您选择多个班级,并将相同的教科书和材料分配给班级. 通过单击绿色加号图标将每个类添加到Selected Classes列表,您将构建具有相同教科书和材料的类部分列表.

Will approved course fee amounts show in Textbook?

每门课程的批准课程费用将有一个黄色的硬币堆图标旁边的每个课程部分提供,表明该课程部分有批准的课程费用. A standard fee note has been associated to each class section with an approved fee. You will need to verify that the standard fee note assigned is appropriate and if not, 更改为另一个标准收费通知单. 的 fee amount does not display in the Textbook system, but does display 课程设置. 的 注册商's Office also provides a listing of all approved course fees on its Web site at the 注册官学杂费网站.

Can I see if a textbook is used in a previous term?

教科书系统的初始使用需要输入所有在课堂上使用的教科书和材料. 该系统的未来改进是提供功能,使系/学校能够轻松地将相同的教科书和材料分配给未来提供的相同课程.

How do I find my textbooks for my classes?

Textbook(s) and materials can be found on 课程 by clicking on the triangle to expand class details. 的 author, title, publisher, and suggested retail costs are listed. Please note that textbook(s) and materials are subject to change.

Is Textbook information available in My俄亥俄州学生中心?

No. 的 Textbook information will not display in My俄亥俄州学生中心, 但可以在课程设置中找到.

Can I be reminded when it's time to add or review textbooks?

目前,当需要输入教科书和材料时,系主任/学校主任将通知教职员工. 未来的一个改进要求是包括自动消息,以提醒教师和工作人员更新教科书信息.

有什么样的培训? 如果我需要帮助,我该联系谁?

的re are reference materials and online tutorials available at the 注册师教材网站. If you need to speak to someone please call Scheduling at 740.593.4188.

Do I have to do anything special to get the Textbook information to show in 课程?

No. 的 textbook information will automatically display in 课程.

What do I do if the ISBN search returns nothing?

You will need to enter the author(s), title, 版, and 版权日期.

What if the textbook is available only at Bookstore X (or website Y)

的 textbook information will be provided automatically to each local bookstore. 如果您确定这本书只能在特定的书店(或通过特定的网站)买到,, then you should indicate that in the comments section.

What is the Digital Course materials: Inclusive Access Program?

包容性访问是一个项目,教师可以报名参加,为参与课程的学生提供数字内容(电子书或课件)。. 学生将在上课的第一天通过黑板上访问,他们的学生帐户将以比MSRP(制造商建议零售价)低得多的价格计费。.   newbb电子平台 runs this program in partnership with participating publishers. 了解更多关于包容性访问的信息.


How can I troubleshoot my textbook/materials if they are part of the Inclusive Access Program?

你可以浏览 包容性访问(教师)页面 which will provide you with troubleshooting techniques to enroll your course in Inclusive Access, information on how to set up your content access links, and important dates for the upcoming semester(s) and how they impact Inclusive Access.