
住房 & 居留生活豁免和终止程序


newbb电子平台要求所有一年级和二年级的学生住在校园里,并参加一个整整两个学年(秋季/春季/秋季/春季学期)的膳食计划。. 希望免除大学住宿和/或膳食计划的学生必须至少符合以下标准之一,并在截止日期之前提交适当的表格以供审查和批准.

If a student is seeking an exemption/termination from residing on-campus, 住房和居住生活强烈建议,在住房和居住生活发出正式批准通知(通过电子邮件)之前,不要签署校外租约. 被要求住校的学生, 并且在获得豁免之前签了校外租约, will not be granted an exemption from housing based solely on an off-campus lease.

表格必须在学期开始前45天完成并提交,以避免产生费用. 任何在学期开始前45天提交的材料必须在学期的第一个星期一之前提交所有所需的表格和文件. Those who submit a request within 45 days of the start of the semester will be subject to the 退款进度 住宿费和餐费.

所有表格和文件必须在审查前收到, 在各个层面, 充分考虑.

请注意,这不是一个住宿过程. For information on how to request accommodations due to a disability, contact 学生无障碍服务.


If you know which criteria you will be submitting an exemption for, click the links below. The links will bring you to the explanation of the process as well as to the required forms.

年龄 : 通勤 : 经济困难 : 已婚或单亲 
膳食计划更改/豁免: 兼职学生 : 资深地位 : 其他 

If you need to explore the criteria further to determine which one(s) you wish to apply for, 查看下面详细的选项.

那些寻求豁免/终止的人必须证明他们符合以下标准之一. Students should review the following criteria to determine which one(s) are applicable. 后, 学生应该提前到“流程”部分获取更多信息,以及所需表格和补充文件的链接.

请注意,基于医疗原因的住房豁免申请不能通过这一程序提交. If you would like to seek an exemption from housing due to medical reasons, 你必须在 可及性服务. 可及性服务 will assess whether any housing accommodations are necessary and, 如果是这样的话, 这些住宿是否可以通过校内住宿来满足.


入学学生, 年龄在23岁及以上, 将不需要居住在校园里基于俄亥俄州 住房需求.



通勤到newbb电子, 学生必须与父母或法定监护人住在一起,其永久住所(根据大学指南定义)在雅典(1 Park Place) 50英里内, 雅典, OH). A “permanent residence” is defined as a dwelling that has been owned, maintained and inhabited for a minimum of 24 months by the parent or legal guardian. The address must be the same as what is listed on the student admissions application. If the family has changed residences since the admission application, 必须提供所有权/居住地和就业证明.

学生应通过他们的办公室完成通勤学生合同 住房自助服务. 只有当通勤学生合同被拒绝时,学生才能通过住房豁免和终止程序请求通勤.



基于经济困难要求豁免/终止的学生必须通过提供最近的经济援助验证/奖励副本提供极端经济困难或财务变化的书面证据. 如果FAFSA没有存档, 然后是最近的联邦纳税申报表的复印件, 最近终止雇佣关系的证据, 极端困难的证据(1).e.: death of a primary income provider, medical expenses exceeding insurance maximum coverage, etc.)必须提供. 文件信息必须附有一份完整的住房豁免财政援助信息表.




学生必须提交他们的结婚证书或孩子的出生证明的副本,以及最近的纳税申报表的副本,显示孩子(ren)作为受抚养人. 配偶或子女必须与学生居住在50英里通勤半径内,才有资格获得这项豁免.



膳食计划合同对整个学年都有约束力, 或其馀部分, 学生必须履行这一义务. 一旦学生签订了烹饪合同, changes to that contract are only granted based on extenuating circumstances.

不能通过此流程提交基于医疗原因的膳食计划变更或豁免请求. If you would like to seek a meal plan exemption/change due to medical reasons, 你必须在 可及性服务. 可及性服务 will assess whether any meal plan accommodations are necessary and, 如果是这样的话, 是否可以满足这些条件.

If you are seeking a meal plan change/exemption due to other reasons, such as financial, etc. 请填写下列表格.



If a student is enrolled for 11 hours or less for each academic semester for both fall and spring, 或者学生在暑期课程中兼职(5小时或更少),他们可能符合兼职学生豁免的要求. 所有学期的课程注册都将随机验证.




学生必须提交他们的DD-214出院文件的副本. Eighteen (18) months of active duty is required to be exempt from the residency requirement.



If the student's rationale for their request doesn't align with the provided choices, 也不是因为医学原因, 学生可以选择“其他”.’完成请求, 学生必须包括证明文件以及个人陈述和申请表.



表格必须在学期开始前45天完成并提交必要的文件,以避免产生费用. 那些在45天前提交申请的人必须不迟于本学期的第一个星期一提交,并将受到 退款进度 包括所有住宿和餐饮费用.

The exemption process has three levels that each have submission deadlines and review periods.


寻求豁免或终止合同的学生需要根据要求的原因填写相应的表格包. 如果学生为他们的请求列举了多个原因, 每个原因都需要填写一个包,以确保提交适当的文档来审查请求.

工作人员 will assess the request form and documentation submitted within 3 business days. If the forms are incomplete, or additional documentation is needed, the student will be emailed. The student has 14 days to submit requested materials before the request is considered inactive.


一旦完成的包提交,一个委员会的住房和居住生活的工作人员将审查. A decision will be rendered and sent to the student’s 俄亥俄州 email account.



以下是申请的理由以及需要填写的相应表格和文件. If the request is being made for multiple reasons, the packet for each reason should be submitted.


不能通过这一程序提出住房豁免和基于医疗原因的膳食计划更改/豁免请求. If you would like to seek an exemption from housing and/or the meal plan due to medical reasons, 你必须在 可及性服务. 可及性服务 will assess whether any accommodations are necessary and, 如果是这样的话, 这些住宿是否可以通过校内住宿来满足/dining.


在线填写申请表格. All supplemental documentation or completed PDF forms can be submitted by any of the following:

  • 发邮件 housing@俄亥俄州.edu
  • 把表格传真到740.593.4089
  • Delivering to the 住房和居住生活 office (生活学习中心215)


如果被拒绝为1级,学生可以对该决定提出上诉. An appeal must be made within 3 business days of the Level 1 decision.

1级的所有文件将提供给上诉委员会, but the form linked below needs to be completed to make the request to appeal. Students are allowed to provide additional documentation for Level 2 with their request. Any additional documentation must be received prior to the scheduled Appeal Board meeting.

上诉委员会每月开会一次, 因此,学生应该留出最多4周的上诉委员会会议时间. 宿舍工作人员将通过电子邮件安排与学生的会面.



The Appeal Board is comprised of University members from multiple offices across campus. 上诉会议将安排20分钟. Students will have ten designated minutes in the meeting to explain their request to the board. The remaining time will be for any questions and explanation of the appeal process.

Students can have a parent, guardian, or other party present at the appeal meeting. The student must be present and cannot be represented by another person. 除了, 如果学生没有出席预定的上诉委员会会议, 董事会将在他们缺席的情况下审查这一请求.


向上诉委员会提出上诉,要求进行第2级覆核, 学生需要填写以下申诉表格:

  • 吸引力的形式
  • OPTIONAL- any additional documentation not submitted at Level 1 (provide a copy)



在线填写申请表格. All supplemental documentation or completed PDF forms can be submitted by any of the following:

  • 发邮件 housing@俄亥俄州.edu
  • 把表格传真到740.593.4089 or
  • Delivering to the 住房和居住生活 office (生活学习中心215)

Level 3: Appeal Request to the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA)



副总统审查的请求必须在住房部门通过电子邮件提供的决定后3个工作日内收到 & 居住生活上诉委员会. 学生事务副主席, 或者他们指定的人, 可以或不可以选择覆核上诉要求. The student requesting the review will be notified of any decision within a reasonable period.

VPSA办公室将审查之前提交的所有1级和2级文件(由住房和居住生活办公室提供)。, as well as any additional documentation submitted by the student with the Level 3 request form. Student's must go through Level 1 and Level 2 before being able to appeal to the VPSA at Level 3.

The review made by the VPSA office will not include a scheduled meeting. 学生希望被考虑的任何信息/文件必须与上诉请求一起发送给VPSA.



向VPSA提出上诉,要求进行第3级覆核, 学生需填写以下上诉表格:

  • VPSA形式
  • 可选-如果提供了在1级或2级期间未共享的额外新文档, 与第3级要求一并提交,以供考虑和审查.


在线填写申请表格. All supplemental documentation can be submitted by any of the following: