


Deb McAvoy于2007年加入newbb电子平台. 她获得了博士学位.D. from Wayne State University after working as a civil engineering consultant for 11 years. 在攻读博士学位期间, McAvoy worked as the lead research engineer for the Wayne State University Transportation 研究 Group. 麦卡沃伊的研究兴趣是公路安全, 交通工程, 交通信号系统的优化与改进, 巷道设计与人因工程. She has worked on projects for the Ohio Department of Transportation, 密歇根州交通运输部, 联邦公路管理局, 美国司法部, 3M, 以及其他行业客户. 作为这些研究的一部分, 她对信号时序进行了技术分析, 交通拥堵, 崩溃, gap studies and has substantial experience in corridor progression and work zone safety analyses. She is a registered professional engineer in the states of Michigan and Ohio and certified as a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer through the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

主要研究方向: 高速公路安全, 交通工程, 交通信号系统的优化与改进, 巷道设计与人因工程

所有学位: Ph.D., Transportation 工程, Wayne State University, 2007; M.S., Civil 工程, Wayne State University, 2004; B.S.,土木工程,底特律大学,1994


  • Egilmez G.Park, Y.麦卡沃伊,D.库库瓦尔,M. (2014). Integrating Self-Organizing Maps into Road 安全 Benchmarking to Provide Improvement Paths:DEA-Based Kohonen Network Approach. 专家系统与newbb电子.
  • Egilmez G.麦卡沃伊,D.库库瓦尔,M. (2014). Benchmarking Crash Severity of the US States: A DEA-Based Malmquist Productivity Index Approach. 国际运输经济学杂志.
  • Egilmez G.库库瓦尔,M.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). An Automated Neural Network Model for Predicting US Road Fatalities. 人工智能的工程newbb电子.
  • El-Dabaja,年代.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Application of the Highway 安全 Manual Predictive Method: A Before/After Case Study of Ohio State Route 682 in The Plains, OH. 华盛顿特区:交通研究记录.
  • Egilmez G.Park, Y.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Integrating Self-Organizing Maps into Road 安全 Benchmarking to Provide Improvement Paths:DEA-Based Kohonen Network Approach. 华盛顿特区:交通研究记录.
  • 芬利,M.詹金斯.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Motorists' Speed Response to Non-Variable and Variable Work Zone Speed LImits and Other Work Zone Conditions. 华盛顿特区:交通研究记录.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2012). 道路安全数据包络分析. 交通研究A部分:政策与实践.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.达菲,S.Whiting, H. (2011). 工作区事故诱发因素的模拟器研究. 华盛顿D.C.: Transportation 研究 Record; 2258: 32-39.


  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2013). 对标美国道路安全.S. 基于dea的Malmquist生产力指数方法. 心理学出版社; http://psychologyprogress.com/benchmarking-road-safety-of-u-s-states-a-dea-based-malmquist-productivity-index-approach/.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.埃吉尔梅斯,G. (2013). Benchmarking Road 安全 of US States: A DEA Based Malquist Productivity Index Approach. 1月1日. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 53: 55-64.
  • Schattler K.麦卡沃伊,D.,克里斯特,M.格劳伯,C. (2011). Impact of Signal Mounting Configurations on Red-Light Running at Urban Signalized Intersections. 2. 华盛顿D.C.: ITE Journal/Institute of Transportation Engineers; 81: 22-30.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.达菲,S.哈利,W. (2011). 工作区碰撞事故降水因素的模拟器研究. TBD. 华盛顿D.C.: Transportation 研究 Record/Transportation 研究 Board of the National Academies.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.Schattler K., 达塔T. (2007). Driving Simulator Validation for Nighttime Construction Work Zone Devices. 2015. 华盛顿特区.C.: Transportation 研究 Record 2015; 55-63.
  • Schattler K.韦金,J., 达塔T.麦卡沃伊,D. (2007). Evaluation of Pedestrian and Driver Behavior at Countdown Pedestrian Signals. 2002. 华盛顿特区.C.:交通运输研究记录2002, Transportation 研究 Board of the National Academies; 98-106.
  • Schattler K.J . Pellerito.麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T. (2006). Assessing Driver Distractions from Cell Phone Use While Driving: Simulator-Based Study. 1980. 华盛顿特区.C.: Transportation 研究 Record Volume 1980; 安全 and Human Performance; 87-94.


  • El-Dabaja,年代.麦卡沃伊,D. (2015). Application of the Highway 安全 Manual Predictive Method: A Before/After Case Study of Ohio State Route 682 in The Plains, OH. 华盛顿DC: Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • Egilmez G.Park, Y.麦卡沃伊,D. (2015). Integrating Self-Organizing Maps into Road 安全 Benchmarking to Provide Improvement Paths:DEA-Based Kohonen Network Approach. 华盛顿DC: Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 芬利,M.詹金斯.麦卡沃伊,D. (2015). Motorists' Speed Response to Non-Variable and Variable Work Zone Speed LImits and Other Work Zone Conditions. 华盛顿DC: Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • Celikbilek C.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Efficiency Assessment of Urban Transportation Systems: A DEA Approach. ISERC 2015年会暨博览会.
  • Celikbilek C.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Transportation Optimization for the State of Ohio's Inland Waterway System. ISERC 2015年会暨博览会.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2013). 全天候涂料现场评估. 华盛顿DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers/ Technical Conference.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2013). 美国各州道路安全标杆化:前沿方法. 华盛顿DC: Transportation Researh Board/92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.达菲,S.哈利,W. (2011). 工作区事故诱发因素的模拟器研究. 华盛顿D.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2010). 提高知识记忆的重复暴露实验 . 路易斯维尔, Kentucky: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
  • Dutta U.麦卡沃伊,D. (2010). Comparative Performacne Evaluation of SCATS and Pre-timed Control Systems. 阿灵顿, Virginia: 2010 Annual Forum Conference Proceedings for the Journal of the Transportation 研究 Forum.
  • Savolainen P.麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T.雷迪,V. (2009). 驾驶员感知系统的评价. 华盛顿特区.C.: Transportation 研究 Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T.萨沃莱宁,P.雷迪,V. (2009). Evaluation of Temporary Removable Rumble Strips for Speed Reduction. 华盛顿特区.C.: Transportation 研究 Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD.
  • 己,P.王健.蔡俊杰,Z.麦卡沃伊,D. (2008). 基于安全的信号交叉口服务水平. 北京, China: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Transportation and Development Innovative Practices.
  • Schattler K.天哪!.麦卡沃伊,D.格劳伯,C. (2008). Evaluation of Signal Mounting Configurations at Urban Signalized Intersections in Michigan and Illinois. 华盛顿特区.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.Schattler K., 达塔T. (2007). Driving Simulator Validation for Nighttime Construction Work Zone Devices. 华盛顿特区.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • Schattler K.韦金,J., 达塔T.麦卡沃伊,D. (2007). Evaluation of Pedestrian and Driver Behavior at Countdown Pedestrian Signals. 华盛顿特区.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.Schattler K., 达塔T. (2006). A Study of the Effectiveness of Steady Burn Warning Lights on Drums in Construction Work Zones. 密尔沃基, Wisconsin: Compendium of the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2006 Annual Meeting and Exhibit.
  • Schattler K.J . Pellerito.麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T. (2006). Assessing Driver Distractions from Cell Phone Use While Driving: Simulator-Based Study. 华盛顿特区.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.Schattler K., 达塔T. (2006). Effectiveness of Steady Burn Warning Lights on Drums in Construction Work Zones. 华盛顿特区.C.: Compendium of Technical Papers of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation 研究 Board.
  • Schattler K.麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T. (2005). A Test and Validation of Traffic Performance Characteristics of a Traffic Signal System. 拉斯维加斯, Nevada: published in the Compendium of Technical Papers of the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2005 Technical Conference and Exhibit.
  • 达塔T.Schattler K.麦卡沃伊,D.乔杜里,F. (2005). 最大化交通和安全的十字路口设计. 拉斯维加斯, Nevada: Compendium of Technical Papers of the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2005 Technical Conference and Exhibit.


  • El-Dabaja,年代.选B.麦卡沃伊,D.坎贝尔,J。. (2021). 汽车在“说话”,司机在“倾听”. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation; 270: 196-205.
  • El-Dabaja,年代.麦卡沃伊,D.选B. (2020). 警报! Automated Vehicle (AV) System Failure – Drivers’ Reactions to a Sudden, 完全自动化脱离. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation; 1212: 49-55.


  • 奈克,B.霍利,我.麦卡沃伊,D.霍恩,A.麦特拉克,G.辛哈,G.加萨威,O. Effects of Tree Canopy on Pavement Condition, 安全 and Maintenance. 第二阶段.
  • 奈克,B.麦特拉克,G.霍利,我.辛哈,G.麦卡沃伊,D. (2019). Effects of Tree Canopy on Pavement Condition, 安全, and Maintenance. 第一阶段. 俄亥俄州哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通部.
  • 詹金斯J.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). Evaluation of Traffic Flow Analysis and Road User Cost Tools Applied to Work Zones. 哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部.
  • 达塔T.盖茨,T.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). A Guide to Short-Term, Short-Duration and Mobile Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control . 华盛顿DC: United States Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D., 达塔T.盖茨,T. (2014). 市区工作区临时交通管制指引 . 华盛顿DC: United States Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.R. (2014). 各种隔音墙材料的比较与测试. 哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部.
  • F, M.詹金斯.麦卡沃伊,D. (2014). 俄亥俄州工作区速度区流程评价. 哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部.


  • 霍普金斯,C.约翰逊,J.库奇塔,美国.麦卡沃伊,D.波佩斯库,V.波特,S。.W .罗森堡.西森,G.B.培训师,硕士.威利,R. (2018). Effectiveness of Wildlife Mitigation Treatments along the Nelsonville Bypass. 哥伦布市:俄亥俄州交通运输部.
  • 坎宁安,C.麦卡沃伊,D. (2011). Evaluation of All-Weather Paint for Work Zone Pavement Markings in North Carolina and Ohio. 150.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2011). 使用动态速度标志的工作区减速. Ohio Transportation Consortium; 30.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D. (2011). 横向褶皱条的评价. Cleveland State University Transportation Center; 25.
  • 麦卡沃伊,D.布萨姆,南卡罗来纳州.弗里,P. (2011). Evaluation of Color, Message and Placement of Billboards for Work Zone 安全 Campaigns. Cleveland State University Transportation Center; 51.