


You’ll meet with your advisor at least once a semester to determine what courses you should take. Your department will provide you with a four-year course plan, 和 you also can consult the course 目录. We recommend that students take at least 15 credits every term to stay on track for graduation.


才能在每学期注册, you’ll meet with your academic advisor to discuss your progress 和 your proposed schedule. 要注册,请登录您的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 (需要学生登录) 和 click on the Enroll tab. 确保你没有任何注册占用, 和 that you do have a valid enrollment appointment time, 这是基于获得的总学时. Meet with your advisor prior to this date to get your registration advising hold lifted.

尝试使用 进度计划 to help you choose course times 和 design a schedule that works for you.


观看这个视频 关于如何阅读你的dar的教程. 联系 your advisor if you have specific questions.


All course permission requests are granted electronically through your My俄亥俄州学生中心 (需要学生登录). If you’re granted permission, you’ll receive an email reminding you to confirm your registration. 遵循 这个视频 获取请求许可的分步说明.

After the first week of classes, you must receive instructor permission to enroll in a course. 在极少数情况下, instructors may grant permission to enroll in a course past the second week of class, 这就需要 单独的表格.

如果你需要晚报名, 一定要参加所有的课程, 和老师讨论一下情况.


申报主修、辅修或证书 这种形式. You must be in good academic st和ing to declare your major. Students applying to the Russ College must also earn a C or better in a math 和 a science course. If you want to declare a major outside of the Russ College, 你必须去那个项目的学院办公室.


您可以使用。来声明大多数未成年人和证书 这种形式. Some minors or certificates may require an application instead.


You need permission from the Russ College to take more than 20 credit hours. 要请求许可,请填写 申请超过20学时的表格 在线. Please be aware that you’ll be charged for each additional credit over 20 hours.

了解更多信息. 有关课程注册,请访问 注册处办公室网站 .


Every student is assigned a faculty advisor in their department for help selecting classes 和 working toward academic 和 career goals. 你的指导老师列在你的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 (需要学生登录).


联系你的导师时, write a professional email 和 offer several suggested meeting times, 然后至少留出24小时的回复时间. 你也可以 propose a meeting time using your Catmail account (view 桌面使用说明手机使用说明). If you still can’t connect with your advisor, contact the 本科生或系主任 为你的专业或要求一个新的顾问 在这里.


Many universities allow students to register as a “guest” or “transient” student. Please note: Grades you earn at other institutions will transfer, 但它们不包括在你的GPA计算中. If you want to replace your grade in a course, you must retake the course through newbb电子平台.

参观 转帐和学分 page for more info on how to register, or transfer credits.


Your instructors’ office hours are set aside specifically to help you with the course material. It’s helpful to email the instructor ahead of time to let them know you’re coming. Go prepared with questions or topics you want to discuss. 的 学术成就中心 还以辅导的形式提供帮助, Supplemental Instruction 和 college 学习技巧辅导. 所有服务均免费.

我在留校察看. 我该怎么办??

缓刑应该被认真对待, as a warning that you need to make changes in order to improve your academic performance. Many students have found success after being placed on probation by taking advantage of available resources such as advising, 辅导, 办公时间或 学习技巧辅导. 如果你的总平均成绩低于2分.哦,你必须参加 学业成功工作坊. You may also be placed on probation because your engineering GPA is below a 2.0分,或者是第三次上课. All probation students are asked to schedule a meeting with Assistant Dean for Student Success 恩典Sallar at sallarg1@俄亥俄州.edu 制定个人成功计划



Your GPA is found by dividing the total grade points you have earned by the total number of credits you have attempted. Classes with higher credit hours will affect your GPA more than classes with just one or two credit hours. 你也可以 下载一个 电子GPA计算r.


newbb电子平台 监察员 works to ensure all students, staff, 和 faculty receive equitable treatment. 这个办公室还管理 官方职系变更程序. Please note: Grade appeals must be initiated within 15 days of the start of the next semester.


Drop 和 withdraw deadlines vary based on when the course begins 和 ends. 对于整个学期的课程, you can drop a class through the second week of classes to have it removed from your transcript. You may withdraw from a class until the end of week 10 to earn a WP or WF grade, 这不会影响你的GPA. After week 10, students with extenuating circumstances can 请求晚一点的降落If you were previously dismissed for academic reasons, you may 填妥此表格 to petition for reinstatement after one calendar year

我需要离开学校. 我该怎么办??

If you’re leaving for a short time, contact your professors or Associate Dean for 学者 Deb麦卡沃伊 让他们知道你的处境. You may be able to make up missed work or obtain an incomplete grade at the end of the semester depending on your circumstances. 如果你需要离开很长一段时间, you can withdraw from all classes with no GPA penalty 和 may be eligible for a 学费的吸引力. 联络行政专员 杰西卡·舒勒 或访问斯托克中心120开始这个过程.

我想重新注册. 我该怎么办??

Students who leave the university in good st和ing may re-enroll at any time 和 don’t need to re-apply. 填写重新注册表格,然后检查你的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 for any additional holds you might need to resolve before you can register for classes.


Instructors grant incomplete grades on an individual basis for students with extenuating circumstances. 联系 your instructor to arrange details about how you’ll complete the coursework 和 earn your grade. Incomplete grades become an F after week 2 of the next semester in which you enroll, 或者两年后, 以时间较短的为准.