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More Ways to Gain Key Skills

Marketing is the lifeline of any organization, connecting the business with its customers.

Today’s business environment is dynamic. The advent of social media, digital marketing, and the explosion of mediums where customers can be reached, make it more important than ever that students understand the analytical, technological, and creative aspects of business. From the psychology of consumer decision-making to marketing in a digital world, newbb电子平台商学院涵盖了一系列的主题,帮助你为工作做好准备.

Students that major in marketing will graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA).

Internship and Job Placement
Average Salary Upon Graduation

Internships and Job Placement

在我们的2022届市场营销毕业生中,92%的人在毕业后的六个月内获得了就业或继续教育等积极成果. Many students have even accepted offers during their senior year. Many students have even accepted offers during their senior year.

Our Business Academic Advising & Career Services center is onsite in Copeland Hall, ready to help you understand how to use good career marketing strategies, from your freshman year. We’re ready to help you find the perfect internship or job. In addition to career fairs, and College Placement Champions, you’ll have access to BOBCAT CareerLink, a web-based system where employers post positions, review resumes, and connect with candidates. Plus, participate in workshops, seminars, 甚至还有一对一的指导,以确保你以正确的方式展示自己,实现你的职业目标.

Recent Internship and Job Placements 

  • AT&T
  • Cardinal Health
  • Cison
  • Dell Technologies
  • Ethicon- Johnson & Johnson
  • Hewlett Packard
  • IGS Energy
  • JM Smucker’s
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Microsoft
  • Nationwide

Potential Careers

Careers in marketing vary greatly. You might be in a very creative area, or you might choose professional sales, or even logistics and supply chain. The marketing discipline is where creativity meets research. Potential careers include:

  • Professional sales — Learn more about sales careers through the Schey Sales Centre.
  • Retailing
  • Market research and analytics — Learn more about marketing research and analytics through the Center for Consumer Research and Analytics.  
  • Brand management
  • Advertising and marketing communications
  • Logistics and supply chain management

Marketing Advisory Board 

Marketing Major Courses

View the Marketing Major catalog page in OHIO's Undergraduate Catalog to see additional requirements, such as Individual Core Requirements or Introductory Cluster Requirements.

市场营销专业的学生必须完成6个学分的市场营销选修课程. Students are encouraged to follow a specialized track from the available options: Sales, Marketing Communications, Service Engagement, Markets and Society, Channel Relationships, and Research & Analysis. 遵循特定轨道的学生有望在他们感兴趣的领域获得更好的学习经验,并且能够在他们寻求职业发展时确保竞争优势. Selection of a track is highly recommended, however, it is not required. 

Core Courses (Required)

  • MKT 3580 - Foundations of Professional Sales
  • MKT 3790 - Marketing Research
  • MKT 4440 - Consumer Behavior
  • MKT 4630 - Marketing Strategy

Specialized Marketing Tracks (Optional) 

Sales Track

销售轨道提供了专业销售理论和实践的平衡,以发展在专业销售和销售管理职业中取得成功所必需的能力. Students will learn the underlying principles and theories that drive planning, organizing, and managing the sales process. By developing an understanding of consultative and relationship building sales approaches, 学生将学习说服和演讲技巧,以提高组织销售部门的收入. Complete six credit hours from the following courses:

  • MKT 3600 – Entrepreneurial Sales
  • MKT 4580 – Sales Management
  • MKT 4680 – Consultative Sales
  • MKT 4780 – Sales Strategy and Technology
  • MKT 4900 – Special Topics in Marketing: Sales Competition

Marketing Communication Track

The marketing communication track provides a foundation of communication theory, research, and knowledge within each element of the promotion mix. Students will learn how to effectively reach target audiences and consumers, gain their attention, and influence their final purchase decisions. 旨在帮助学生发展必要的技能,设计和执行有效的营销和推广策略. Complete six credit hours:

  • MKT 4500 – Management of Promotion
  • MKT 4300 – Digital Marketing and Sales Strategies 

Service Engagement Track

服务参与课程为学生提供向消费者提供高水平服务的培训,以及如何管理成功的服务组织. 该课程还为学生提供了如何成功衡量和评估所提供服务的卓越性的培训. 本课程为学生在各种面向消费者的角色(包括企业和商店级零售)的职业生涯做好准备, recreations, financial institutions, and professional sales management. Complete six credit hours:

  • MKT 4200 – Services Marketing
  • MKT 4550 – Achieving Customer Satisfaction and Service Excellence

Markets and Society Track

培养对当今推动国际商业的营销原则和在塑造全球经济中发挥作用的社会人口因素的理解. Through knowledge of the major issues facing global marketing managers, 学生将学习在当今商业世界中战略性地接近和管理国际营销活动,并在市场中利用可持续实践. Complete six credit hours:

  • MKT 3400 – Non Profit Marketing
  • MKT 4100 – Special Topics in Marketing: Sustainability Marketing
  • MKT 4410 – International Marketing

Channel Relationships Track

渠道关系课程为学生提供管理企业对企业功能的培训. 该课程还训练学生管理企业对企业合作伙伴关系中各种利益相关者之间的关系. 本课程为学生在包括组织采购在内的各种企业对企业职能部门的职业生涯做好准备, logistics, and supply chain management. Complete six credit hours:

  • MKT 4040 – Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • MKT 4250 – Business to Business Marketing

Research & Analysis Track (Permission Only)

研究和分析课程为学生提供了开展各种形式的初级市场研究和丰富数据分析的广泛培训. Students will also develop the ability to manage the research and analytics process, and to turn information into useful business intelligence and insights. This track prepares students for careers in marketing research, analytics, or insights across both service provider and client-side functions. Complete six credit hours:

  • MKT 3440 – Consumer Research
  • MKT 4700 – Marketplace Analytics
  • MKT 4940 – Independent Research: Consumer Research Center  

Student Activities

Since we know that hands-on experience is the best way to learn, our students are encouraged to participate outside of the classroom in a variety of activities.

AMA Competitions and International Collegiate Conference

美国市场营销协会的newbb电子平台分会全年为学生提供参加各种竞赛的机会,每年春天还会参加在新奥尔良举行的年度国际大学会议. OU-AMA章节允许您练习在戏剧性地改变职业前景的重要技能,这正在改变营销人员做生意的方式.

Mu Kappa Tau National Competitions

Mu Kappa Tau(全国营销荣誉协会)的会员有机会参加每年举办的全国比赛. newbb电子平台穆卡帕头分会的个别成员赢得了涉及作文的全国比赛, photos, and taglines since the chapter was started in 2012.

National Collegiate Sales Competition

Through the Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre, you can participate in the National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC). This is the first and largest sales competition in the country. NCSC hosts top collegiate sales students and faculty from elite university sales programs.  学生们参加销售比赛,也有机会与潜在的雇主建立联系.

National Sales Challenge

攻读销售证书的学生可以参加在新泽西州举行的RBI全国销售挑战赛. 来自全国各地的顶尖销售学生与大公司的代表见面,参加一场激动人心的销售比赛,旨在磨练销售技巧, receive valuable knowledge, and make connections.

Ohio Cup

As an internal competition, 俄亥俄杯为有竞争力的学生提供了与潜在雇主建立联系的独家机会, and compete for grand prizes. 

OHIO Digital Marketing Agency

俄亥俄州数字营销机构(ODMA)成立于2021年,旨在培养学生,为毕业后从事数字营销行业做好准备. The agency is a student-driven agency, built upon four pillars of excellence. Those pillars include career readiness, education, networking, and real-world experience. ODMA的学生有机会在每周的会议上学习具体的数字营销策略, network with professionals in the industry, and have opportunities to work with and for live clients.

Pi Sigma Epsilon

Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) is the only national co-ed professional fraternity in the fields of sales, marketing and management. However, it is open to all majors. PSE为其成员提供了通过体验式学习获得实践经验的机会, participate in conferences both regionally and nationally, and network with professionals through PSE’s corporate partner program.

Student Organizations

American Marketing Association

AMA是一个专业组织,其成员致力于在课堂之外获得相关的营销经验. Members enjoy networking opportunities, career workshops, interesting projects, and the chance to interact with marketing professors and other students. All majors are welcome.

Mu Kappa Tau

Mu Kappa Tau是全国市场营销荣誉协会,为会员提供国家认可和大学分会. Its purpose is to recognize the scholarship, achievement, 并致力于营销专业发展的学生营销教育的进步和诚信的职业生涯在营销. 要符合会员资格,学生必须是大三或大四的学生,主修市场营销,有3.25 or better cumulative GPA, 他大三的时候在所有市场营销专业中排名前10%,大四的时候在所有市场营销专业中排名前20%.

Women in Business

OHIO Women in Business (OWIB) provides outstanding support, development, and sense of community to women interested in pursuing careers in business. The organization focuses on attracting, developing, and launching highly talented women into the business world. OWIB develops members through monthly guest speakers and educational workshops.

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