

Combine a business pre-law major with another major to prepare for law school.

While law schools do not prescribe any rigid undergraduate curriculum, many pre-law students choose one of the business fields as their major for a baccalaureate degree.  如果法律职业是你最终的职业目标, you might consider combining the business pre-law major with another major from the 商学院 to prepare.

The business pre-law major recognizes the business and economic emphasis of the practice of law and also provides the breadth of training and philosophical background that is conducive to success in law school.

Students that co-major in business pre-law will graduate with a 工商管理学士学位(BBA).

“I wanted to have 业务法律系的 in my comprehensive program because in the ever changing work environment it is important to have a basic understand of how the law impacts business. 我本来不想去读法学院, but to have an understanding how my actions could put myself or the company at risk." -Kevin Feinberg '17


87% of our 2021 business pre-law graduates experienced positive outcomes such as employment or continuing education within six months after commencement. Many students have even accepted offers during their senior year.

我们的 商业学术咨询 & 职业服务 中心在科普兰大厅现场, ready to help you understand how to use good career marketing strategies, 从大一开始.  我们随时准备帮助您找到理想的实习或工作.

除了招聘会, 和大学就业冠军, 你就可以进入newbb电子平台求职网, 雇主发布职位信息的网络系统, 审查简历, 与候选人建立联系. +, 参加研讨会, 研讨会, and even one-on-one coaching to make sure you’re presenting yourself the right way and achieving your career goals.

Exterior of 科普兰厅, home of newbb电子平台's 商学院


查看 商科法律预备专业页面 in 俄亥俄州's Undergraduate Catalog to see full major requirements.


All students complete these two courses as well as at least 3 additional courses toward the business prelaw major:

  • BUSL 2550 -法律环境中的企业责任
  • MGT 3100 - Values, Business Ethics, and Corporate Responsibility


Complete at least 3 additional courses for a total of 9 hours:

  • BUSL 2900 -商业法专题 Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • BUSL 3570 -商业交易法学时:3
  • BUSL 3780 -法律方面的创业学时:3
  • BUSL 3850 -国际商法学时:3
  • BUSL 4650 -体育学时法:3
  • BUSL 4810 -研讨会学时:3
  • BUSL 4930 -独立研究学时:1 - 3
  • BUSL 4900 -商业法专题 Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • MGT 4300 - Legal Aspects of Employment and Labor Credit Hours: 3



All students complete these two courses as well as at least 3 additional courses:

  • busl2600 -商业法规和合规
  • MGT 3100 - Values, Business Ethics, and Corporate Responsibility



  • ACCT 3400 -介绍联邦所得税规划
  • ACCT 4400 -单一实体会计和税务筹划
  • ACCT 4500 - Accounting for Non-Business Entities and Contemporary Professional Issues
  • busl2600 -商业法规和合规
  • BUSL 2900 -商业法专题
  • BUSL 3780 -企业家精神的法律方面
  • 3850 -国际商法
  • BUSL 4650 -体育的法律
  • BUSL 4810 -研讨会
  • BUSL 4900 -商业法专题
  • BUSL 4930 -独立研究
  • FIN 3310 -风险和保险
  • FIN 3410 -投资
  • 管理员工关系


Business law competency makes students more marketable, no matter the business discipline. 从高层管理者到国际从业者, 法律上的精明作为一种有价值的商品而广受欢迎. For example, legal issues occupy up to 25 percent of a CEO’s available time. 在一项调查中, sixty-nine percent of CFOs have indicated that “global regulatory requirements” will be required for the professionals of the future. Compliance Officer positions are experiencing a high growth rate, prompting the Wall Street Journal to call the compliance market a “hiring spree” and a “battle royal for talent.” A blossoming risk management industry has driven the need for positions in contract and regulatory risk management as well as holistic enterprise risk management.


Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi是全国最古老的兄弟会. Alpha Kappa Psi is open to all business majors and minors interested in professional 发展 as well as the social aspects of a fraternity.


黑人学生商业核心小组成立于1988年. Its purpose is to introduce students to the issues of excellence and diversity as well as techniques necessary for survival in the corporate arena.


The purpose of 基督教商业领袖 is to equip business students with the Biblical foundation necessary to be a strong Christian leader in the 商学院 and the business world.


连接 was created in the spring of 2002 by a group of student leaders who saw a void in 商学院 student-alumni interaction.


This professional business fraternity is designed to foster the study of business and encourage professionalism, 会员之间的学术和社会活动. 阿尔法欧米克隆分会成立于1925年, making Sigma the oldest professional business fraternity on the newbb电子平台 campus.


The 俄亥俄管理集团 (OMG) is dedicated to providing members with the tools to succeed at newbb电子平台 and after graduation through weekly professional speakers, 专业发展及更多.


OUCG is a professional organization designed to cater to students looking to gain a hands-on experience by working with real businesses on real problems. Students from all backgrounds and majors (including non-COB) are accepted.

Phi Chi Theta

The purpose of Phi Chi Theta is to promote the cause of higher business education and training for all individuals; to foster high ideals for everyone pursuing a career in business; to encourage fraternity and cooperation among people preparing for such careers; and to stimulate the spirit of sacrifice and unselfish devotion to the attainment of such ends.


俄亥俄州商界女性(OWIB)提供了出色的支持, 发展, and sense of community to women interested in pursuing careers in business. OWIB develops members through monthly guest speakers and educational workshops. For more information on how to get involved, contact Liz Doyle at ed962710@俄亥俄州.edu.

